Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Ignace and Bruce are the last sites standing for nuclear fuel waste


Yeah, this opens the way for more drilling and fudging the results.  They don't actually put 'white-out' on the numbers, but limit the scope to ignore physics.  This is an age-old tradition since the beginning of time.  "Put your best foot forward." as applied to science.

When I was an 'innie', I saw the real unvarnished stuff.  But it's so much easier to wallow in the fluff put out by PR departments.  I deliberately don't remember real stuff, because it's too painful.  :)

Bankrupt media outlets just love the articles written for them.  All is happy-happy.

But in reality, the geology at both sites is horrible.  Bruce is right on top of the Grenville Front, even though they say it's way out in the lake.  Anyone hear of 'shallow dipping'?  Nope.

Poor Ignace will suffer the same fate of all northern shield sites.  Huge, shallow dipping fracture zones that they will ignore.  Just as with Bruce, they will find a small piece of rock that looks good and zoom the scope to just look at that.

I love this whole thing, and all my friends will have lots of jobs with the geology.  Apply right away!

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