Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Natural gas is over the 3 year mark

There isn't enough natgas in the US NE for our coming ice age.  Naturally, I had predicted this surge in prices for last year.  :)  People who followed my advice would have lost their shirts.

This is the 3 month futures price.  By that time, all the natgas storage would have been used up.  Judging by the Oklahoma earthquakes, there has been almost no activity this year with NE gas fracking.

This is the face of the Ice Age....

ps.  We can easily ascribe the carbonista movement to evil conspiracy, but I have tracked it and it's just the usual stupidity.  Nasa isn't smart enough for conspiracy, look at their rocket.  And the Russians have just threatened to shoot their rocket builders.  Nasa should do the same.  :)  It's so effective, my old company used to do it all the time.

pps.  Scientifically, evil conspiracy is nearly impossible, and has never been a force in history.  Willful Ignorance is the major force.  Stalinists like trumpy are loners, wanting to surround themselves with simpering idiots, and they shoot anybody who is an internal threat to the crown.

moreps .. Can you imagine any famous scientist, university, or government body ever saying:  "Hey, you know that thing we've been pushing for 20 years?  Completely wrong.  You wasted a trillion dollars for nothing.  Isn't that hilarious?"  The late J. Tuzo Wilson was the last scientist who would willingly demolish his latest pet theory.

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