Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Global Warming Brings the Ice Age


This is getting to be quite the popular thing.  There was also the 'Mr. Weather' interview (Canada) where he dropped the bombshell that humans have nothing to do with climate.  This is paraphrased by my old guy, I'm sure Mr Weather was more circumspect.

Anyway, once again, the 'very severe' carbon greenhouse effect is melting Greenland and destroying the North Atlantic ocean currents.  Nothing that this whole package could be wrong.  So, the next graphs at the beginning of the month will show decreasing global temps and increasing Arctic ice, but that will be carried in the Christmas party conversations, as proof of global warming.  Note, that a month ago it was the Canadian Arctic that was melting.  There are no charts on ice volume for Greenland.

Like I said before, do not laugh at your trudeauish friends this season.  They don't have a sense of humour.

ps.  In case you were worried, Greenland is doing well at -25c

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