Monday, November 26, 2018

GM Gone

This is sad, but really, gm was done a long time ago.  They have old company disease, and can't think of anything original.  I'm sorry.

Now that carbon warming is entering the dustbin of history, we have a chance to do something with cars.  I'm thinking of methanol fuel cells with super-capacitors.  We've got natural gas coming out of our wazoo.  At least I have.  :)

This is a time for Dougie to shine.  Send up those weather balloons and put a final nail in the coffin of the carbon hypothesis.  Then go full blast into the future!  We'll need all the excess electricity for our giant Coca plant farms.  Sooner or later the later my old company will refurb Darlington at 10 times the cost and 10 times longer to do.  Since they didn't correct the bad physics, it will last 10 times less.

But we can recover from mass stupidity!  Resurrect my Wesleyville plans for super-nuclear town.  We can't just wait for the whole car industry to die.

ps.  and, honestly, why are we letting the Chinese totally take over grow lights?  Can't we do something?  And the upcoming ice age needs better insulation.  We can do that.

pps. and ditch any hope in solar cells, windmills, and batteries.  They all require rare earths, which don't have, and are a bigger blight on the world than anything.  So, they will not reduce in price.

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