Whew! I was so worried that I had totally killed the Nanticoke nuclear dream, what with the pesky issue of no water in winter, and situated on the same sort of fault as Bruce. But I'm glad the coffee-parties can continue, in this re-pression.
I really hope that Bruce Power continues to amuse us with new sites. I suggest Chalk River. Soon, AECL will be chopped up, and eventually that old reactor has to admit it's dead. The site is so contaminated, it's a multi-billion dollar liability to the government, and why would they want to clean it up? Put a nuclear reactor on it, and it doesn't matter about the contamination!
Sure the site has a few seismic issues, but nothing worse than those other sites, and nobody is looking at that stuff anymore. A very fine site, indeed.
Whooee! Well Harold, didn't I tell you that nothing was going to stop these idjits.
When they get asked about seismic stuff, they merely respond that the plant will be built to withstand magnitude 7 quake and that will never happen here.
When asked about water, they respond that they are going to use a refrigeration technology that will sap just 3% of the power produced without using large quantities of Lake Erie water.
When asked about the relative dearth of investment capital, they respond that this is an infrastructure project and investors are still investing in infrastructure.
When asked the radioactive toxicity of spent fuel, Dr. Boreham tells us that 200 years from now, our great grandchildren will be able to stand in the presence of a spent fuel rod for one hour and receive the same dose as from a CT scan.
When asked about the ultimate storage of spent fuel rods, they respond that they will store them on site for 150 years and then, they'll move them... somewhere else.
They may not have truthful answers but they do have answers and they are the answers CNSC, local politicians, McGuinty and the federal government want to hear.
When asked about the choice of Nanticoke, they say its "remoteness" makes it an attractive site. It is quite remote at 40 miles from the Golden Horseshoe, Canada's most densely populated region.
Yes, Harold, you've made some very convincing arguments as to why Nanticoke is completely unsuitable but your objections, like all others, don't have a multi-million dollar advertising campaign behind them and nobody's listening.
To actually listen would require technical brains, and I don't expect that much. Right now, they'll just pooh-pooh all technical arguments, and spin their magic, just like the Niagara Tunnel, and the Bruce deep storage.
Sooner or later, they'll actually have to do something and that's where the fun begins! To be honest, I think this Nanticoke thing is just something to do for free publicity. So enjoy the parties!
I been keepin' yer "enjoy the party" advice in mind, Harold. Problem is... the gourmet stuff they're servin' leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Entertainment sucks, too.
This publicity ain't exactly free, though. Bruce is puttin' $30 million into the EA. They're also spendin' a big chunk on frequent full page newspaper ads in at least 6 or 8 papers, continual radio spots on several local stations and glossy mass mailings to tens of thousands of residents.
I realize that the $30 mil plus teh $?? mil on PR are small potatoes compared to teh rosily estimated $7 billion construction budget. Still, when an outfit spends $30+ million, they could get more and better PR than by spendin' it on a nowhere-bound proposal.
I think they're serious and, of course, I hope they bow to technical considerations. So far, there's little indication that any technical challenge won't be met by a bullshit-baffles-brains "solution."
They got BS answers to questions we ain't even thought of yet.
[I'll do some ad clickin' now. ;-) ]
Thanks, I'm glad somebody loves me! :)
Don't forget these guys know nothing about building a nuclear plant, and there is no incentive for them to do so. They want to live their high life and then order some grunts to build it. The grunts love it! (Yes Sir, three bags full Sir!)
It'll be a close race to see which, of all these nuclear initiatives, hits the brick wall first.
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