Sunday, December 29, 2024

The store and release mechanism of the Pacific Belt- Part 1

 This is a fun topic, and I don't know much about the exact mechanism, because our fav. people nooa and noosa have eschewed physics, and only work with maps of atmospheric highs and lows.

The mechanisms are always put forward, by me, as varied hypotheses.  I have always used the Scientific Method as a guide for conducting experiments.  The usual for our world now, it to 'explore' and find discoveries.  They always make these discoveries 'meaningful' by simple optimistic linear extrapolation.  You read about 'amazing batteries' and 'the solution to plastic' all the time.  

A long time ago, in a land far away, some people noticed that world temperatures were going up.  They searched everywhere to find something else that was going up, and found carbon dioxide levels were always rising.  With no extra experiments, they put the two together and the rest is history.  Anyone who opposed it were destroyed.  Thus, it became a 'truth'.  I have no objection to that.

I did notice that world temperatures went up when the Pacific Ocean warmed up.  My most powerful chart was a tidal gauge that appeared to be quite level.  All the historic rises and falls in temperature correlated with the ups and downs of the gauge.  Amazing, since water expands when heated.

The oceans and the world are heated by the Sun.  But the 'solar flux', the heat energy received at the surface of the earth, is as solidly flat as I hope trumples heart monitor will be one day.  Although people talk about 'orbital variations' etc, this is absolutely the same all the time.

So, all heat variations in the Earth are due to ocean thingies.  Water carries 4000 times more heat energy than an equal volume of air.  We know that by experience when the hot water spills on us.  You never see the Big Guys mention this.  

All previous big cycles of warmth were due to giant shifts in the Pacific Belt, the El Nino.  The papers that mention this say 'all except the recent one' because they don't want to be killed by Gretas.  Those people are nearly dead themselves now, so I don't worry about them.  So we can correct that to say that 'all' heat peaks are due to Pacific heat energy movements.

-end of part 1

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