Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Linux -- getting samba to work on your local network

 If you follow moderate Linux security, you are so far ahead of Win security, you can't get anything to work.  I found that one of my mini computers with Debian had a firewall installed, and the other one didn't.  As far as I was concerned, I installed them the same way.

I had to totally kill the firewall, and that wasn't easy.  It was interfering with internal file transfers over samba.  Then, I found they have killed samba discovery for 'security' so smb4k didn't work at all.

Enter wsdd2, which is an extra daemon that does discovery.  Eventually, all the machines with the same workgroup can find each other.  I use samba to circulate my home videos.  Today, I glued a faux-pro to my winter coat, and walked the dog.  I should publish that!  It could put anyone to sleep -- dog goes here, dog goes there, dog pees.  Magnificent!!  I really wanted to catch our Friendly Neighbourhood wolf-coyote, but she's camera shy.

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