Sunday, December 15, 2024

Arctic still in recharge -- the pond is filling up


I really should be more interested in the mechanics of recharge.  It's really very interesting, but I would need a full 3d image of wind currents.  That's physics, so it is not happening.  We'll just be happy, thinking we'll never get another Arctic spill.

ps the 'Nino Zone' is a great thermometer for figuring out physics mechanics

This is the mask.  All expected Nino action would go through this. 

It is going down to 2022 and 1988 levels.  You may remember those winters.

The new nooa chart is out early.  I have stopped at 2022 and 1988.  Let's just call them dips, shall we?

ps.  today, on the dog walk, we ran into the Friendly Neighbourhood Coyote.  Roxie chased it with her Frisbee of Death in her mouth.  She has a formal way to chase, staying exactly 3 m behind, and then she comes back when we call.

ps oh, and we have another doomer 'End to all life' to add to the huge list.

It's 'overdue' which means they have no idea what controls the timing, and it is a million to one that it hits Earth directly.  I would put this with 'super volcano'.

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