Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Feds down for the count, we need the premiers

 Poor surfer-dude is going for his walk in the snow.  They are out for any response.  The nice thing about a fed export tax would be that it would override any contracts.  We need something else.

We can choose the lead on this - Churchill Ford, Crazy Lady, or weenypp.  I am a bit biased here.

Canada's Revenge #1, is doing its job.  Natgas and electricity are vital to stop trumpypeople from freezing.  The price will go up, so no province is losing money, but we need more to jimmy the contracts.

If it's all spot prices, then that's fine, but I propose a bit more.

Oh dear, we are so incompetent that our natgas is not fine enough for trumpypeople.  We have to close them to polish the pipes.

Tabernac!  The wire she goes!  

Nuclear electricity is dangerous.  Hold on a sec while we write new standards.

We should be happy when energy costs triple for them.

And we'll say we are trying our best for horrible Canadians.  The women were running everything and we sent them all to baby farms.

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