Tuesday, February 6, 2024

The unbelievable energies of the ocean's collision zones

 I am starting to work out the hypothesis for the Earth's climate.  It's all due to ocean currents.  The currents act as a giant heat pipe to shunt away heat and radiate it to outer space.  The Earth has an excess of heat, and we would have been Venus a long time ago, if we didn't get rid of heat.

The main energies are at the collision zones.  Cold air and water comes down from the poles and veers to the east, due to spin forces.  This is blocked by continents.  In the Pacific, warmer water comes from the north, and colder water from the south.

The mixing zone is violent, and the excess shoots out to the west.  Sometimes this current resembles 'prop wash' with jagged turbulence markers, and sometimes it is more laminar.

The temperature of the belts depend on the mixing.  Right now, the south is dominating and we have an ice cycle.  During a warm cycle, the northern currents dominate.

The experiments are simple.  We need a full 3d map of the ocean currents in real time.  Not going to happen.

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