Sunday, February 25, 2024

AI becomes boring and takes over all news writing

 The last written news available to me was the Canadian news channels, with a written blurb under the video.  These are now written by AI.  You can just feel it, and they have horrendous written errors that no human would make.

It doesn't make much difference, since all available news was written by the 'new guy'.  Now, these poor people are gone.  I never watch the news, and this will be taken over by AI video.

I've given up watching news, and I'm living on the few places that still write news. I can read the three free articles.  I've also given up playing with the AI pictures, they lack interest.  I'll just skim headlines with my doom scrolling.

The people that live on doom are not constrained by the laws of physics, and will have to get wilder and wilder.  At least the headlines are fun.

ps.  I am declaring that stupidity has won this round.  We will have to wait for the next cycle, after a lot of troubles.

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