Thursday, February 29, 2024

Heavy doom for AI


During a long, cold winter, there just aren't any good stories about one-day heatwaves.  Australia is a sog, so nothing there.  When we have an ice cycle, the Southern Hemisphere just gets rain.  This is merely a consequence of the arrangements of continents.  Summer will come to the north, and all will be good again for the climate doomers.

To analyse this AI doom, we have to go into the history of automation, and the jobs that nobody wants.  It started with mindless factory assembly.  Off to Japan, Korea and China.  Now, the depression is hitting them.

Are they depressed because AI took their jobs?  No, they don't want those stinkin' jobs.  But there's no way they can upscale because of sexist and racist attitudes.  Even China has problems.  They lived on all the girls coming in from the fields, and now that they have made it, these women are depressed.

Right now, the influencers are making great claims about how AI eliminated 700 jobs in their tiny companies.  Years ago, all the 'back office' jobs went to India.  You had to argue with an India guy on the need to expense a Big Mac.

In essence, all the boring jobs went overseas.  Productivity improved with automation.  The doomers can focus in on one thing, but you need your GDP to grow at the same rate as population increase.  The leftwingers don't care about this.

I find that the argument 'It's all happened before.' doesn't wash with influencers and their fans.  There is no memory of history.  Anyway, the Grand Stupidities will keep us employed with disasters for quite some time.

We will continue to upscale and everything will be as boring as ever.  We have a Ukrainian family here now, and the little boy is so happy to go to a normal school without bombs.  Will he take somebody's job?  No, he is absolutely brilliant and will create wealth in Canada.  But, he's not going to Japan.

As an aside, I read that the invention of a new electron beam welding method can do a year's worth of nuclear welding in a day.  There go all those mindless welding jobs, but we can have more nuclear reactors for energy.  With cheap energy, we lead the world.  Sucks for the welders, but they can go into 3d printing.  Anyway, all these things take decades to work out.  Look at the paperless office!

ps.  I was reading about the Toronto Library coming back to computing after being out for 4-6 months.  Think of all the jobs getting those books out of truck trailers!

So neat that they will replace it with the exact same MS system, but with 'increased security' that will last one day.  No bureaucracy can resist the MS schmoozers when they come to town.  History doesn't have to be rewritten when it is never written down in the first place.

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