Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Linux - getting Frigate working

 This is a personal Linux journey of discovery.  Man, it was tough, but you can soldier through.

I have to optimize it.  It uses the Coral AI chip, and can recognize objects.  So neat, I always want to play with AI.  However, I think it views the fire hydrant as a person.  Perhaps it will ask it out for a date.

I'm using a separate mini-computer.  


Neil T said...

Nice, please keep telling us/me how this is developing... I'm just starting out on a similar idea for my patch of forest. I've managed to finagle wifi to about 10 acres and LoRa to a few kms. No mesh in these parts as trees dont have power sockets and I need a permit for solar panels (not forthcoming). Once I get the infrstructure in place I'll get annoying you for info.

Harold Asmis said...

I had it working amazingly well. You can probably set it for 'deer'. or 'tree'. Then I fiddled with it and boom. I'll start from scratch again.

Neil T said...

Yeah they are tough to configure... Kinda like a spoilt child. The funniest one I've come across is a LoRa project where the "AI" can tell the difference between a parakeet and a sparrow with a 73% accuracy.. PMSL.

Harold Asmis said...

We'll set yours to 'drop of rain'. Looks like lots of rain now.