Tuesday, October 24, 2023

El Nino continues to take the headlines


I always enjoy this.  The 'very high temperatures' are only 20C, high on top of the usual deep 4C, that the current used to pull up.  Now, they are saying that carbon warming is causing the El Nino.  

The big issue is that on the day after Halloween, the ghost El Nino will continue to shrink.  They are using the picture from when it was at the maximum.  Nooa will then shift the date to December, and then Christmas, and a Happy EN Newyear.  It will never come, and they will rewrite history.  That's why I write, so there is history 20 years from now, in the middle of our severe ice cycle.  Of course, the influencers and anxiety merchants will move on to the next doomer story.

ps. and now the Polar Vortex Fairies are active.  In reality, the polar vortex is a wisp of near-vacuum, and cannot bother us.

pps.  Although the Arctic air mass is tied up, it is descending.  Expect cold.

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