Monday, October 30, 2023

'Forever' cyclones still feeding off Arctic cold


I'm still out of the weather forecast business as long as these cyclones persist.  They are an entirely new thing, and I've never seen them before.  When they collapse, we'll see nice, predictable Arctic spills that will freeze the Thames, and freeze my hometown of Toronto.  

There is a fair amount of leakage with the Canadian stream, and it is bringing snow to S. Ontario.  I'll miss my prediction of 'tree-breaking' snow for Toronto by Halloween.  Missed by a few days.

You can see that the Great Lakes are protecting Toronto, and making me a loser.  Without the cyclones, everything would be blue.  Such are the uncertainties of a long-term forecast.  Oh well, back to my projects -- my 8 year old outside video camera blew, and I could justify buying a new one -- starlight with 2K, and a web interface I can finally access.

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