Thursday, October 26, 2023

Excitement for a new thing

 Oooh, somebody is going to get a dang FLIPPERZERO for Christmas, or maybe tomorrow.  I mastered Unix, then Linux, and made raspi earthquake sensors.  I did that horrible video camera stuff.

Now, what I am going to do today?  Take over the world.  Don't worry, dear reader or two, I have never finished anything.  My brain gets over the big challenge, and then it's all downhill, and my brain says 'Anybody could do that -- meh'

But FLIPPER - freaking - ZERO, I can be relevant again.  I couldn't stand all that AI stuff, just a trick, but this is HOT HOT HOT.  Garage door opening?  Put it on my drone, and open the whole city!  And those nasty EV cars?  Program them with the voice of a demented parrot -- Ha!

I can get those weather balloons to tell the real story.  You can mount it with a big steel structure, and take down the Space Shuttle - - oops that blew up ages ago.  Never mind my senility, I'm super-cool and popular!  My influencer show starts in a week - maybe.  

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