Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Arctic spill hits from a different direction


So much chaos with all those cyclones.  I got blindsided, expecting the usual direction (straight south), which has been active all summer.  The Arctic spill is sneaking in over the Yukon.  Neat.

The rain will be good for the cottage.  Everything was so dusty-dry that we couldn't have the tiniest branch-burning fire.  Perhaps it will be so soggy on Friday that burning is impossible anyway.

Over around Greenland, the Arctic spills are starting to straighten out.  That means the Atlantic is finally running out of heat energy.  If the spill continues by Alaska, then BC will continue to get rain.  I'm still expecting the spill to go down the Greenland gap and hit the UK.  They are preparing for a brutal winter, and the greenhouse myth will continue.  If the spill goes back to Siberia, everybody can ignore it, and live happily in ignorance.

The El Nino mirage is continuing to flash all over the place, since it has no energy, nor momentum.  Just a ghost.

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