Sunday, October 1, 2023

Nuclear fusion - the reality


I just had a laugh - it's the same thing!  Add wrestling to the mix.  I've noticed the influencers are getting bolder with their claims - they have working fusion reactors for mining, etc.  

Fusion at scale lacks some basic physics - sure you can blast a couple of atoms, but a larger system requires a way to hold a 'quasi state' where you can fuse a bunch of atoms and let them out slowly without blowing everything up.  I've written about this, and since nobody does basic physics any more, it's not 'around the corner'.  My 3 readers don't have any money, so I'm not hurting the scammers here.

ps. and again, since I go against all the popular things, my readership is really diving to nothing.  I hope Dry Guy gets some rain before leaving me entirely.  All his drought is due to clange...

pps.  I am sorry that I am laughing at these guys.  They don't know they are selling dreams.  I also won't laugh at Ontario trying to build a nuclear plant on a rock sponge.  Since nobody reads me, I'm really not doing anything.


Neil T said...

We had big rain a couple of weeks ago.. Horrendous erosion obviously, collapsed stone walls, track scoured down to stone etc. Anyhoo, maybe he's the CEO of is a fusion cuisine establishment.
All I'm going to say about fusion is that they're making the same mistake they're making with skyrmions... dodgy dimension mapping, but I'm a farmer and know nothing. :-)

Harold Asmis said...

OMG -- Alive! and wet. Thanks for always being there -- ha!

Neil T said...

Been harvesting (disaster due to drought), been rebuiliding stone walls, now chainsawing trees because some Canadian bloke says it's going to get a bit nippy. Gone dry again though. On the frozen Thames front, the last time it happened, remember London was a lot colder due to lack of offices and cars and gobby politicians.

Harold Asmis said...

Freezing the Thames really means it would have frozen if the things were like the last time it froze. It's a big ditch now, with lots of flow, so it will never really freeze like Ottawa's canals. I'm thinking 20 below for a week.