Friday, October 27, 2023

It has arrived!

 The two people who read me know that I have embarked on a new career of 'Arch Vil'.  I shall name myself the Furmenator, because of the dog.  All will cower before me!  

My secret secret has arrived and I have opened it.  I don't have a clue what to do, but soon I will.  It should keep me occupied for months before I throw it down in disgust.  And, then, on to the next project!

** I keep using code words so the Guardians of the Universe can't find me...

ps. the motto on the box is 'Flip the World'  -- muhaha!

pps. my minions aren't very bright.  The AI is fixated that the fire hydrant is about to attack the lair, and the dog is the dog.  I feel like old poots with his yes-generals, and trumpy with his yes-lawyers.  You had one job!  -- Take over the world!  I feel like I'm surrounded by idiots!


Neil T said...

What have I missed? I was just chewing my breakfast hotdogs (long story) and nearly choked reading the above. Been plastering my house, sanding this week, ploughing fields next week, might get round to frigate stuff the week after. If you take over the world before then can I have a chitty letting me off any minion work?

Harold Asmis said...

I got a Flipper Zero, the most notorious thing on the media. Once I figure it out, the world is an oyster...