Saturday, April 22, 2023

This site is closed by the Howling Mob

 Rather than wait for Googs to do it, I have decided to do it myself.  The question is whether they will wipe all the history out, just like they will rewrite history when this all collapses.  Live by the ravening hounds, die by the ravening hounds.

When this all settles, I'll publish my imaginary book.  It's all about the savagery at the start and the Death of the Scientific Method.  As it started, so will it end.  I got swept into this when the world ran out of earthquakes, and I had an anti-hero complex.  I consider this to be mostly a satire site, but that isn't allowed any more.

My mole has been whacked and we are sinking back down into the ground.  Good-bye, and I will stick to this, just like my hounding exit from Mastie.  

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