Saturday, April 15, 2023

NOAA monthly chart shows huge spike for March


This will cause all the influencers to go back to charts again.  The spike is right on trend with the 'Copernican Intercept'.  We have one of the largest monthly spikes since 2016.  

Physics-wise, it probably has something to do with the large spike in ocean temperatures, which is a mathematical problem with ocean ice.  The only thing to do is wait.

So, while we suffer with Winter again, they can do their warmie dance.

ps.  the math problem is related to this chart.  The Spencer plot just sums total microwave drag on satellites, whereas this one sums all the pixels of infrared radiation.  I think they just added the ocean component to the land.  

This spike is caused by a weird Arctic ice thing right now.  It's coming down rapidly.  

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