Friday, April 21, 2023

Ocean currents -- on Google Notice

 I'm not too sure, because it flashed, but I think somebody was offended by one of my posts.  I have to assume it had something to do with physics and weather.  

So, I was in Huntsville, ON, enjoying the cold.  Then there was this 1 hour delay coming home on the 400.  blah.  So, the new ocean current map has come out.

and the ocean temp chart for the Pacific.

As long as you see that 'V' of cold narrowing towards the West, you know the current is dominated by cold.  You'll see that v reverse when El Nino comes charging in.  Which will happen 'very soon' as long as you abolish momentum.  

The ocean temperature chart would provide confirmation for the 'math error' chart.  Unfortunately, it would take a keen imagination to find all the very hot temperatures.  Skip this map for now.

I have no desire to cause hard feelings to those who might feel their whole world crashing in.  It won't happen tomorrow, so be happy.

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