Saturday, April 22, 2023

Full Arctic spills and the Rain in Spain


With the Pacific plumes completely dead, I was expecting this.  The Arctic has to shed the cold somehow.  These are full spills, but they should end soon.

You see rain where this air meets the sluggish plumes that are only up to Spain.

This is good for my Spain buddy, one of my few readers.  I'm not saying anything here to offend the Church of Clange, but they'll still scream Heresy, just because I'm breathing.  All their big stories on little heat waves, and droughts will have to wait a while.

ps.  the Arctic ice is still increasing in volume.

This is causing the Big Math Error to continue to show that the oceans are boiling.

We'll probably get another Arctic spill or two before all this settles for the summer.


Neil T said...

Nope, still waiting for the wet stuff and we ned a lot of it. I've already decided my wine grapes are toast for this year and I'm just going through the motions to keep the vines alive. I see on the news that TikTok has decided you're worse than a kiddie fiddler: you're a climate denier!! Bad fish, baaaad fish.

Harold Asmis said...

I'm a tiktok criminal? Dang, no wonder my readership zoomed up. Better lie low for a while.