Monday, April 24, 2023

Can't swing a cat without hitting miserable weather


As you are aware, we had a near-death experience with Tiktok savagery.  The result was a quantum-split into two cats.  This blog is now just about cats, and life outdoors.

SMcat:  The Thailand heat wave is breaking, back to just 32C.  No other heatwaves are apparent.

Cats hate heat waves.  The current weather is caused by a lack of heat energy at the equatorial belts.  Arctic air is spilling down all over.  

The UK is now showing a pure Arctic spill.  This is a stable formation and should last until all the Arctic air warms up.  It will resume in the winter, giving them a steady 20 below, and may freeze the Thames, if that is now possible, with all the flood works.

For Toronto, there is no appearance of the classic Spring air flow from the Pacific.  We must also wait for the Arctic air to drain.

Incat:  la, la, la.  I've made a fortune with the whole Doomer thing.  THE DOOMER BUSINESS WILL LAST FOREVER!   I started Catavation Gin, with the slogan Drink Yourself to Death -- What does it matter?  I started Puss in Boots, which has cat claws (vegan) inside, for intense suffering.  This lack of heat waves is alarming, since I have the Cat In Heat Carbon Credits.  I have a private jet on standby, with the engines running, just to jet to the next heat wave.  But they are gone before I get there.  I look so cute as a heat-suffering cat.  

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