Sunday, April 23, 2023

The Scientific Method, as Explained by a Cat

 As you know, this blog was attacked by the Tiktok Tweenies of Death.  As a result, I have turned everything over to cats.  Everybody likes cats, right?

SMcat:  The Scientific Method came into vogue after the Great Quackeries of the Victorian Era.  Every influencer was pushing something that violated the Laws of Physics.  There was a huge following for Phrenology, the study of bumps on the head.  And then there was Spiritualism.  All great things.  And we can't forget Flat Earth.

Great minds got together to prevent this from happening again.  They defined 'Science' as the 'Scientific Method'.  Nobody could claim they had Science behind them, without this.  

Incat:  Are you listening to yourself?  BECAUSE YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE!  HA HA!  


NEIL T said...

I dont know if I should encourage this CATastrophic change in your personality. Are you feline ok? Anyhoo, chin up... At least you're not being classed as a kitty fiddler.. Yet.

Harold Asmis said...

I know, I'm up all night, thinking of cat jokes.