Saturday, April 22, 2023

The Fish is a tiktok criminal

 I would never see this myself, but I have been declared a 'climate denier' with my physics.  I was so attacked by an electrical engineer on Mastie that I don't wonder that it has spread.

I've always been protected by the smarter people, because this has zoomed my readership from 3 to many hundreds.  


I will recite the cataclysm of the church.

1.  Physics has nothing to do with anything.  Who needs physics?  Anybody who knows physics is a bum.  

2.  The oceans are boiling, that is clear on one chart in the world.

3.  The sea level is rising at a tremendous rate, very selective to spots that are sinking.

4.  El Nino will come charging in soon, based on a hope and a prayer.

5.  Spain is not getting any water and that's climate change.

6.  The temperature charts are irrelevant when they show cooling, and only good when they show warming.

That's enough.  I've always predicted this day, when it was becoming totally obvious to the 'man on the street' that it was getting colder.  This would put all the influencers into a frenzy, and I am always amazed by their great intelligence.

There is no massive conspiracy with naasa and nooa.  Who believes that stuff?  

Being declared a criminal, I can no longer make tons of money out of physics.  The oil companies were pouring a lot of gas into my tank, if I paid for it.

Anyway, I'll still show the charts, but won't say anything.  Of course, I have been accused of 'cherry picking' the main charts, so maybe that won't work.  I'll just have a long snooze.


 Snow is now starting for S. Ontario from the first of November to first of May.

The Arctic spills will leave Siberia and look for new places to freeze.

Australia will bitch about the rain.

ps.  Amazon has stopped taking my reviews again.

pps.  Whew!  It was a flash in the pan for readers.  I'm back to my ten readers around the world.  They know physics, and therefore, are of no consequence.

more:  Looks like Googs may throw me out, just like Mastie.  Might be good-bye forever.  

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