Tuesday, December 27, 2022

State of the Oceans - December 27, 2022

 I went totally manic on Mastodon and released all my funnies for the year.  Right now, I feel burned out, which is a good thing to accomplish without a big depressive crash.  I had to hit all my 'happy pills'.  

Every article is now on how the Pacific Cold Phase will suddenly end and bring El Nino.  This has no physics, and expresses a hope that the past pattern has a persistence.  They are also pouring money into bitcoin.  

I keep the blog for archive purposes, and long articles.  It's for when my brain is dead.  

It's sad for the bitcoin dreamers that the ocean current kinetic energy is increasing, and, of course, momentum.  This has more energy than any natural earthquake or volcano.  It is astounding.

The big bet for next year is between physics, and dreams.  This is a hard battle of hypotheses.  The influencers have never laid it out before.  Everything is 'explained' after, relying on folk wisdom, or 'sounds right'.  I don't think they can survive this one.

But, one-day heatwaves will be everywhere.  And we'll know about every one.

ps. Yeah, at Mastodon, the reader number stands at 3.

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