Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Australian Geologist Plimer Totally Smacked Down


Such lurid headlines.  This guy sure is wrong.

And they bring out the old chart that ended at the peak of 2016.  That sure showed him!  All my geophysics charts are being smacked down by these guys, who are very efficient.  I got kicked off Mastodon for showing this modern version of the chart.

This chart is a total fabrication, and is not acknowledged by the consensus that so deftly has proven that geologist is wrong.  If we stick to the consensus, then Vancouver buses will never get snow tires.  

In order to be more social, the Fish is now dedicated to the consensus, since I don't have anything left anyway.  Even Spencer is gone.  RSS is gone.  Even mimic is running wild.  ALL HAIL THE CONSENSUS!

With the consensus, we can finally answer the question -- If human-caused CO2 is so dominant at 90%, why is the 'seasonality' of the chart as strong as ever.  It should smear out as the human factor increases, since there is no season for making the stuff we don't need.


The answer from the consensus is to ignore that, since they do.  They ignore anything that doesn't fit into their perfect picture, and I'm 100% for that.  Yeah, I can sleep now, knowing that my blog won't be cancelled.  And if the consensus ever would address this issue, you know they would come up with the perfect story.

ps.  The Consensus is pure.  It cannot be touched and cannot change.  To look upon the face of The Consensus is to be destroyed.  So, we rely on the high priests who interpret the con. (short form), and they extract their tithe to live quite well, like AFP.  Mr. Musk has paid 44 billion to attack The Con and it is a waste of money.

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