Thursday, December 29, 2022

New Cold Blob Coming

 We are now living the Little Ice Age.  All hopes hinge on the Pacific Belt.  Will it go back to the old pattern, or are we into something new?  Although the heat energy in the world has followed bitcoin, nobody is putting out a spurious correlation.  

MIMIC is working again.  Happy New Year!  Our giant M9 Pacific plume has run its course, and a new cold blob is coming.

Right now, Toronto is enjoying a thaw but that won't last.

That cold is now repelling the Pacific warmth.  Who needs it?  This is exactly like the last time, so prepare for a flash freeze on top of rain, on top of frozen ground.  Huntsville snow is at 5 ft, and it will go to 10 ft, to be a true 1800 snow.  Toronto is currently enjoying lake-moderated snow.  My relative in Huntsville hates us.

The influencer opinion is that 2022 is the warmest year ever, and we are on-track to boil.

ps  Dec 30 -- nothing clear in the charts, no Texas Crunch coming, maybe next week.


Neil T said...

Read an article today that had so many OGF trigger words in it, you'd be frothing at the mouth and reaching for them heart attack pills... Scientist, global warming, polar vortex etc. Can't find it now and I'm glad you haven't seen it... for your own health and sanity. Anyhoo, 20c here, sunny and still no rain. Happy new year when it comes.

Harold Asmis said...

Nah, I take happy pills for that.