Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The reasonable request for charts


They are mentioning a number, and indicating they are on the road to that number.  I feel I can ask for their roadmap, or a chart.  But there are no charts in any of these articles.

In the meantime, taxpayers are paying 10B for a useless battery plant (useless in terms of physics).  And never any charts.  

So, I just ask "Where's the beef?"  Out in the wilderness, all alone.  At least nobody goes after me.

ps.  another geophysics site climatereanalyzer.com may have left the building.

I like being melodramatic, but there is a history of these places having 'problems' and then leaving.  This is a true 'climate change' site that was hoping the geophysics would support the cause.  They may have suffered for being a 'traitor'.  :(

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