Saturday, May 25, 2019

Vancouver housing haircut is now 50%, Toronto next


People will hold on at low interest rates if they think there will be a dead-cat bounce.  If bitcoin did it, why not?  They will cut their losses if there is no hope.

Vancouver had 4 billion in laundry tabs.  Toronto is most likely 10 billion or more.  And Toronto is always running 6 months to a year behind Van.  A huge number of luxury condos and monster houses are empty, and were very popular with the cleaning crews.  I predicted 50% a long time ago, and I'm still going with it, but it's taking a lot longer.  That makes the 'prediction' useless for money purposes.

So, the lesson is that you should be happy with a 20% haircut, if you can get out of the market now.

ps.  there will be no big investigation on coin cleaning, since Toronto lives on that stuff.

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