Monday, March 18, 2024

State of the Oceans - March 18, 2045

 Ocean currents from March 16.  Yeah, they are back on track, only two days behind.

There is nothing new on the video.  The turbulence in the Pacific is increasing, and the Gulf Stream might be back full strength.  We have to see if it wobbles back down again.

Today, we play the game of 'Find the Heating Event'.  

The Arctic is diving to new depths, which is good for my 'Long cold spring' forecast, but the tropics have gone wild.

The influencers can just use this one, but they may have to change graphs soon, when this goes down.  I don't see a reason for this huge tropics zoom-up, but sometimes I never do.

You can see on the anomaly plot, which nooa used to use, is that we have nothing.  The famous zone of El No-no is going to La Ninny.  They'll use this plot soon.  It's amazing that the 'most powerful elnono since 2016 plinked out like a cheap light bulb.  Good thing they never have to worry about logic.

ps.  just thought that the Pacific Belt may be collapsing on itself.  That means no plumes to spread heat energy, and it is in stagnant heating.  We'll know that soon, if the Arctic responds to the heat.

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