Friday, March 22, 2024

Google AI starts to fight climate change myth

 Google is predicting river floods, which requires physics.  So, I asked Gemini a question.

Heat transfer from the Earth's surface primarily occurs through convection.

Here's a breakdown of the two mechanisms and why convection dominates:

Radiation: The Sun's radiation heats the Earth's surface. This absorbed heat then radiates back outward from the surface. However, the atmosphere traps some of this outgoing radiation, contributing to the greenhouse effect. While radiation plays a role, it's less efficient for large-scale heat transfer within the atmosphere.

Convection: As the Sun warms the surface, the ground heats the air directly above it through conduction (transfer by direct contact). This warmed air expands, becomes less dense, and rises. As it rises, it cools and transfers its heat to the surrounding air. This continuous circulation of warm air rising and cooler air sinking is convection. This large-scale movement of air masses is much more effective in redistributing heat throughout the atmosphere compared to radiation alone.

So, although radiation initiates the process by heating the surface, convection is the primary driver of heat transfer from the Earth's surface to the atmosphere.

This is so much fun, can't wait to ask more questions.  All people in atmospheric physics have been destroyed by the warmies, only the AI is left standing.

ps.  from now on, google gemini will write my posts.  Much less work that way...

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