Sunday, July 9, 2023

Toilet paper roll physics

 I was thinking about doing this as a video, but I can't stand to see and hear myself.  I am the total anti-influencers.

Standing before me is a tproll.  It is made of wrapped fiber, glued together.  Stand it on its end and it is very strong, you can pile books on it.  If you put a balloon inside, and inflated it, it would hold very well.

It is stiff in bending.  However, ...

Squeeze and it is tremendously weak.  Influencer Science would selectively take the strong modes and extrapolate the squeezing mode.  Rich influencers could force a craftsman to make a giant sub like this, and the poor guy would be left sputtering that it should get certified.  Of course, both he and the influencer would know that would never happen.  Engineers are such a pain...

So, the toilet paper roll would be compressed again and again, on the verge of collapse, but nobody would know because nobody was measuring anything.  Like a tunnel, they could have done a laser measurement every time it was down, and they would have discovered it was softening 1% each time.

But they knew it would probably show that, and so they banned all physics, just like a big space agency banned all atmospheric physics.  Who wants to pay for that, if it will spoil the party?

And that's why you can't let somebody who is pushing something be in charge of the physics.  If we do that, we get crushed rolls, and a spurious carbon correlation.  We live in a world that bans party-pooper physics, and we can laugh at more of these things.  Of course-- blah blah sorry about all the people getting killed - cry cry.

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