Tuesday, July 11, 2023

NOAA reports massive drop for continental June temperatures


The centre of the US has been cold for a while.

That's because we have had continuous Arctic cold blobs coming down the middle.  The only thing that gave Toronto a tiny heatwave is the Atlantic belt air coming up the side.  

I am just reporting the Physics side of our Twin Universes.  The Influencer side will report that it is very hot.  We now wait a few more days for the world temps.  I expect they will be down, but the Hot Fudge Sundae of Influencers will report those weird temp anomaly splotches that have been hanging around for a long time.

So, the Fudge Maps report hot, and the physics maps report cold.  Stand outside and make your choice.  Nasa is not funding any new physics that might clarify what is happening.

ps. they are using the old 'middle third' finger thing.

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