Sunday, July 9, 2023

Fusion rocket 'almost there'


I remember project management for a nuclear plant.  They had a huge task list, and always said that 80% was done and we were 'almost there'.  They did all the easy things first, and piled all the 'impossible' things in the last 20%.  Needless to say, it took a long time.

This plasma rocket follows my idea for a fusion torch.  It was amazing, and 'almost there'.  Unfortunately, the last bit was impossible.  I gave up on it, but these people are sucking in the money.  I'm glad for them, I can never suck in money.  It takes a real talent.

They say they just have to solve the problem of the plasma, and it's as complex as the Earth's atmosphere.  Ha, we know from Influencer Science that it is simple.  For my imaginary torch, the problem was that as soon as one fusion reaction took place, it blew everything apart.  That's the same with a nuclear bomb.  The key is hold everything in compression with a big sucker iron pot, until all the atoms are in a quasi state, and then it can let go with some power.

An open plasma cannot be compressed very well.  I need a way to keep the atoms in such a quasi state, ready to blow, and I needed a lot of atoms.  I can't think of a solution.  The other thing about turning the plasma into a rocket engine is the cowling that can stand the pressure.  Not going to happen.

Thus, only two little things stand in their way.  That's like 90% done.  I recommend that every influencer billionaire pours their money into this.  Probably better than going down in a toilet paper roll sub.  I look forward to their progress.

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