Friday, July 7, 2023

Darlington to become littered with a litter of baby reactors


Oh wow!  A bunch of small reactors with the combined total power of one Darlington reactor (a little more).  I love this idea!  The site was too small for a conventional reactor.  And I don't know how they will handle the intake and outflow of water.  Hardly seems worthwhile, but it's better than Bruce C.  

And they have a giant limestone quarry right beside them to test the seismic capacity every day.  It's so much fun that I'm just going to keel over.

ps.  I love the concept of tiny toy reactors.  I can have pleasant dreams playing with them, moving them around and trying to get water to them.  A tunnel for the intake, and one for the outflow, because of those darn whitefish spawning grounds.  Maybe all the whitefish have left the lake, and they can be cheap.

However, Bruce C is a big evil Soviet monstrosity.  I refuse to think about it.  Just let it consume the Stepford cult up there.  

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