Saturday, July 8, 2023

Summer is over

 I was saying that our 'normal' for Canada is coming back.  That's the old joke that we have 2 seasons - Winter and July.  But now, it's Winter and One Week in July.  We have had our week of summer -- I was sweating in the cottage at night, and I actually was floating in the water for a good few minutes.

So, that's over.  Express your phoney outrage on the new Twit data sucker thing.

The Arctic blobs are showering us with cold.  I find it is great, because now I can give up being comatose at the cottage and do lots of work for the next warmth, next year.


You can see we are cold.  My grandson had his California winter clothes on this week.  It hits 15C and everybody wears parkas.  Did you see that on the news?  BC has some warmth, but probably so much rain, they don't notice it.  Great for growing toadstools on your nose.

Although you may cry in your soup about the lack of summer, the UK is still wishing for warm weather.

'Any day now' the tabloids scream.  

ps.  my heart bleeds for the leftwingers and warmie scam artists.  We didn't even have one 'super' heat wave this year, like Lytton.  What can they live on for the rest of the year?  But, the money flows if you have jumped in.  At least a trillion dollars in play for useless efforts - hydrogen, biochar, batteries, windmills, etc.  Keeps the economy going...

pps.  the AI's have chewed me up, and spit me out.  I'm back to my faithful 3 readers.

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