Saturday, July 15, 2023

Cold blobs about to wipe out heat waves

 At least the BBC is asking the question that evades influencers....

The influencers are still sticking in their thumbs and pulling out a plumb of rare heat waves.

They are going on about the US south, but it is cooler than normal.  You should visit during a 'real heat wave'.  They just go from their air conditioned houses, straight to the air conditioned car, and into the garage of the air conditioned work.  Of course, nobody goes to work any more, so that's simple.

A big blob is shooting out from that 'never ending swirl'.  It is powered by cold, not heat, actually the energetic heat meeting a huge sink.  

Europe has had the fun of Sahara air creeping up on them, but now it's about to get swatted away.  They'll have to find another heat wave somewhere else.  The weather is miserable here in Toronto, and we haven't been going up to the cottage much.  Apparently, the cottage market has collapsed, except for the areas loved by money-making influencers.

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