Friday, July 7, 2023

How to calculate "World's Hottest Day"


This is interesting, as even La Guard says it's an 'unofficial analysis".  Good for them being so accurate and still splashing it for the big bucks.  They just started calculating this, so every day is the world's hottest.  There is no history because nobody was insane enough to do it.  The minimum interval is one month, integrated, so there is some stability, but that still bounces all over the place.  It's difficult to integrate over the year, so the 'annual temperature' is still the last month.

I prefer plotting the month by month temperatures.  That's the way it was always done, and has some history since 1980 or so.  Trying to go back further in time runs into huge errors due to the sporadic appearance of temperature measurements.  It's rather hopeless, but still used by the influencers.  It's the same with earthquakes, since only the largest are recorded back in time.  

All the 2m anomaly maps show a general coolness.  2m is chosen for some stability.  For Influencer Science, they can derive the 'world's hottest day' by just looking at media stories, and averaging them.  Sounds great.  However, I can't think of any way to do it using the Scientific Method.  Who cares?

The UK is the best example of Tabloid Science (same as Influencer Science).

All the tabloids scream about hitting 40 'one day'.  But the London temp (usually the warmest) shows miserable cool weather.  Yet, they claim that June was the hottest month on record.  That's a nice calculation I would like to see, but you never see them.  Nobody wants it.

ps.  back to the cottage again.  Like I predicted, this is one stinky July, We are lucky to get rain once in a while, and the smoke isn't blowing down on us.  Everything is record hot, because we ignore the 70's and 50's.  

pps OMG, every day now breaks the record for 'World's Hottest Day'.  I think somebody is funning them.

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