Monday, July 10, 2023

South Africa suffers a cold spell


I was just wondering if they get cold blobs like we do.  Cold blob air glaciers are just like continental glaciers in the way they move.  Ice is a lot slower.

They are suffering from stagnant cold air.  This is the default weather if no ocean plumes are hitting them.  I don't pay that part of the world much attention, but their mechanisms are completely different.  I have no time for them, and they can just party with the rest of the influencers.

Most of the world is cold.  However, the media says that most of the world is hot.  If you want to make money in this world, go with that.  However, I see a Great Depression in the Influencer Economy in the next few years.  

ps.  the next Influencer guy


Neil T said...

This should make you froth at the mouth...

The news here is all "we're all doomed" stuff and lots and lots of charts but TBH it's A) summer and B) colder than last year. So I'm giving it a "meh". Still no rain though although Zaragoza took 280Lms2 in the chops a few days ago... Lucky b*****s.

Harold Asmis said...

We're getting a few days of hot summer. Lots of rain to keep the fires away from the cottage. Have fun.