Thursday, February 24, 2022

Russia invaded Kazzie


This was last month.  The scoop, according to my 'stan' barber, was that Turkey and China expressed displeasure, and they withdrew.  These are the only guys that can pressure Russia, the West has lost all leverage.

So, we hope for a million Turkish drones to show up in secret.  The Chinese supply the components.  Neither of these guys would care for world destruction.  

In the meantime, the press needs at least one doomer story to keep up the anxiety.  So much for climate change.

ps.  so, if they lost their mojo because of 1970's equipment, then they invaded Ukraine, to show they could.

pps.  note that this was never reported by our paid-off Poots lovers.  All the kids in the yard were laughing at them, saying they couldn't invade themselves out of a paper bag.

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