Sunday, February 20, 2022

All future temperature curves to be works of art

 I predicted this, that as the world went into an ice cycle (age), that all the physics would stop.  The people would be just left looking outside.  They would have the impression that it was getting colder, but nobody would say it on tv.

I wrote about a Fudge Danish.  When nasa started all the fuss about 'greenhouse gases' in a convective atmosphere, many universities and such said it was impossible.  They were destroyed, as tools of the oil companies.  The only way to survive, get funding, and new students was to produce fudge, and lots of it.

We had everybody producing fudge, and not a single atmospheric physics experiment.  None have been done since the 70's, the last time we had a minor ice cycle.  Over the years, we've had a few physics articles about ocean currents and such, but the last paragraph was always pure fudge.  I remember one: "Although every single warm and cold cycle before was due to chaotic ocean currents, this current cycle is entirely due to carbon."  That was sufficient to protect them.

Then I was inspired to call it a Fudge Danish, by a Danish site.  One of the last honest sites, dmi, was forced to 'recalculate' how they did ice volumes.  The current curve was going ballistic, passing all others.  They ended up only neutering the current curve, rather than any other, so it was peacefully lying between the other curves.  I see no micro-structure in the curve, due to Pacific events, so I dream that they are just hand-drawing it.

Now, another site is fudging out.  The world temperatures are plunging dramatically on the 'denier sites' such as Spencer and RSS.  But NOAA always went with those curves.  They protected themselves for a long time by never producing an official curve.  You always had to make them up yourself on their web site, no links to put on the cbc comments.  As far as the phillies were concerned, the temperatures were not going down.  If I mentioned it on cbc comments, they would come back with a pithy 'No they're not.'  

But it started to leak out (maybe by me), that the noaa temps were plunging.  This was bad for the PR department who always put a spin on it, by saying, this month is the 10th warmest, next month is the 11th warmest, etc.  All wonderfully warm.  

Now the noaa results are unavailable in any form.  They are implying a computer failure, without actually saying that.  We know that they are trying to bake a fine  Fudge Danish.  As with the Danes, there is no way to actually justify this is in physics terms, so they will produce a lot of fudge, saying 'improved algorithms' etc.  We will all dream that they are free-handing the curves with Inkscape.  Not that we can accuse anyone who hides behind the curtain.

This will the last of any physics for us.  It will all be dreams, story telling, and philosophy.  Everybody will be happy, except, why is it getting colder?

ps.  everything went down the day after national results, and the usual day that globals were released.  The top people said that we can't release this shit, and 'fix it'.  Thus began the path to dieselgate2.

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