Friday, February 4, 2022

Gofundme and Russians to destroy every city in the West


This will be cheap for the Russians.  Social media at its finest.  Will the US welcome the truckers and happily show them the best places to clog everything?  Right now, everybody will converge on Ottawa to collect the fists full of dollars being handed out.

Washington should get 40 million dollars, and NYC 50 million.  Chicago isn't worth much.  LA wouldn't notice the trucks.  All in good fun, the natpost will gush over them.

ps.  we should get King Rex, himself, to come up with a full price list.  Texas will collapse by itself.

pps.  note that I used real names here, and the readership zooms.  The price to destroy me is pocket change, and I take bribes.

more:  no need to go after Dallas.

fin -- The insurance companies are funding the war, as well.  Everybody assumes that they can their truck as a weapon and the insurance picks up the tab.  Neat.

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