Friday, February 25, 2022

Nuclear weapons used in offence

 We have a new stage in world politics.  Poots is saying -- let us invade and kill everybody, or we'll let loose the Dogs of Nuke.  Everybody is expected to stand by while he does that.  He's bluffing with a pair of twos.

Sooner or later, the world is going to have to say - Do it then.  They are going to have to push, and he'll be screaming -- I'm going to do it, I really am, any minute now.

Now, the Chinese are really calm.  Do they think Poots is blowing out his nose, or do they think that the West is creamery butter?  I'm sure they don't want all out nuclear war, it would interfere with business.  They should start invading Russia, saying that if Russia does anything, they'll press the button.

Soon everbody will be saying - Give me money, or I'll destroy the world.

We've had a cold war since the 40's.  The world has been relatively quiet because everybody tiptoed around interfering in the other's domain.  Thus we had Clinton saying 'Bomb them into the stone age.' for Serbia.  Russia stayed out.  But now Poots has made the 'Big Threat' for money grubbing.  The world changes.

I give the odds of nuclear war at a bit more than before.  They are going to have to sneak in weapons to the Ukraine, and push a bit more.  In Canada, the rexxies can just promote trucker strikes.  Single issue people can't look at anything else.

Has rexxie said anything about Ukraine?

ps  Poots the suicide bomber.  neat.

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