Saturday, October 16, 2021

Toronto Cannabis Harvest Time

 We have had a horrible rainy fall, and the cannabis is a bit weird this year.  Normally, we would get yellow large leaves, but now they are just fading.

But the little curlies are now drying up, so it is time.  We have a big crew coming in because the destemming is a lot of work.  All the big growers have machines for that.  The variety I grow is cbd-rich with some thc, and is an excellent healer.  The old people say it puts them to sleep without aches and pains, and they love it.  Only a quarter teaspoon of the oil is required.

I hardly take it any more.  If I am sick or injured from too much lifting, I take a 'healing dose' of almost a teaspoon.  That stops me from walking, but it works for days and totally heals.  I only planted two plants this year.

My kids don't really like it because it puts them to sleep.  They once had a big drinking party at the cottage, and everyone was asleep at 8 pm.  So, not a party drug.  You want to go all thc for that, and it's great when playing euchre.  

ps.  the time for cleaning is like 5 to 1 in the processing.  

pps.  this is a true miracle drug with everybody who's tried it.  However, it has proven useless in the end.  People are cured of their pain and inflammation, and then go back to what wrecked them in the first pace.  Old guy went back to digging out his garden by hand and laying stones. (80 years old).  Another old guy got a new knee, and this cured him of post-operative pain, and then went back to taking two stairs at a time.  blah.

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