Sunday, February 17, 2008


I'm writing this for my speaking tour. I'm asking my two people what they think!

Introduction: Harold W. Asmis, MASC, P.Eng.

Harold has enjoyed a long career in Geophysics, Rock Mechanics, and the science of earthquakes. Graduating from Engineering Science at the University of Toronto, he did his Masters in the Civil Engineering Department, studying rock mechanics, and the dynamics of underground structures.

After his Masters, he started immediately at Ontario Hydro (now Ontario Power Generation), where he stayed until he retired last year. For the first ten years, he enjoyed a wide range of activities, including analysis for tunnels, designing geophysics programs for new sites, and investigating regional geology.

The latter part of his career was devoted to studying the science of earthquakes, in support of the nuclear program. His greatest joy was initiating the Southern Ontario Seismic Network, which has now grown to over 30 stations. As well, he designed and raised internal funds for the Rouge Valley fault investigation, which became a major scientific research effort. At the very end, Harold enjoyed experimenting with new analysis techniques for seismic design, involving specialized explicit finite elements computer programs.

Harold is now enjoying retirement, writing his blog, and taking opportunities to educate the public on the scientific fundamentals of earthquake preparation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like it. No mention of leaping over tall buildings in a single bound or running faster than a locomotive but it'll do.