Tuesday, October 8, 2024

There are no laws of physics


All our laws of physics are 'empirical', that is, observed by humans.  If we didn't have humans, there would be no laws of physics.  That's what the 'influ-lefties' want -- no humans.

However, this isn't practical.  If you drop the hammer, it smashes your toe.  You can do that a hundred times, and run out of toes.  That's what we call a 'Law of physics'.

You get to quantum, then all bets are off.  You can go off on a philosophical rant, and nobody cares.  It happens that a quantum thing in a black box can do anything it wants, but if a human opens the box and looks, then it says "Oh, the po-po", and stops having a party.

The behaviour in the box is totally up to human imagination.  Is the measured behaviour the real thing, or the imagination?  I don't know, and my brain hurts.  Dry Guy loves this sort of thing.  Gives him something to think about when he is staring at the dust.


Neil T said...

Too right! Actually IMHO the universe isn't that complicated... You've just got to fiddle with the dimensions bit and see stuff backwards.... No biggy. Sorry your brain hurts.

Harold Asmis said...

That was always my evaluation in the old company -- Does not work well in a corporation, and cannot see stuff backwards, like us.