Saturday, March 23, 2019

The physics of direct carbon capture


This is something that will never get off the ground.  As the ice age comes in, it will be too cold to operate!  :) (and a big glacier will grind it to pulp)

In reality, it will take a lot of energy to freeze carbon dioxide out of the air.  They will have to take over an abandoned bitcoin facility in the middle of nowhere, where electricity is free, because the mill closed down.  They are in it to get 'carbon credits' and get money out of justin.

Way up in the mountains, there is no way to store the co2 underground.  We know from abandoned fracking attempts that the whole thing is fractured.  BC is full of abandoned attempts, and this will be one of them.  Same as 'hot dry rock thermal'.  All losers, all with no physics.

Anyway, don't mention anything to anybody.  Let them have their fun.

ps.  this reminds me of when Bruce Nuclear said they wanted to build a new nuclear plant on Lake Erie, which freezes solid in the winter.  The locals were upset, but I said that they should calm down.  The whole thing was some political trick.

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