I think the science in this area has been moribund ever since I was 'killed' within the old company. Certain people were much more comfortable not knowing anything! Today we focus on natural gas deposits. Here is a fascinating map.

It shows the natural gas and oil deposits of this area. Naturally, they do extend beyond the border! This is a fascinating map to me, because only I would ask why there is a straight line cutoff to the north. Of course, we all know it's the giant Hamilton Megathrust, and lines up perfectly with the north shore of Lake Ontario. The gas has all been trapped in the hanging wall, but there is one big perpendicular gash north of the line, near Hamilton. I'll take a wild guess that this is a wrench fault on the footwall, it just looks right.
Now we superimpose the seismicity (an actual superposition would be too much work!).

So, look where they want to put Nanticoke Nuclear! Another fascinating thing is that the gas fields end in a perpendicular line right at Niagara Falls. Here we have the horrendously high compressive stresses that are squishing the Niagara Tunnel flat, so no gas could bubble up to a trap. Yet the seismicity starts in Lake Ontario at this point! I suspect that for some reason the very same wrench fault has allowed this rock not to be as badly mangled as the Paleozoic to the south. As well, there is very complex Cambrian and Precambrian deep geology here. The seismic sections showed a very deep Cambrian basin at this point, again probably cut off by the wrench fault, so this is a very significant boundary.
But the amazing thing is that only Harold has any interest in this! Does anybody else ask the questions? Does this not totally confirm the Megathrust Hypothesis? No, because it hasn't penetrated the land of Big Money, and professor consultant contracts. So, we soldier on.
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